In order to send data to you need to carry out a simple HTTP request with the data transmitted by the POST method.
The server ( takes the value of the entries of the devices from the data sent by means of the POST method.
The data sent by the POST method are formed by a long chain of POST variables, each one having his own value. In the following you will find the complete list of variables that the server expects for each hardware category.
List of variables for the devices other than notebooks, netbooks or tablets
This is the list of POST variables that are common to all the hardware categories (other than notebooks).
blag_90001 , blag_120000 , blag_140000 , dragora_1_1 , dragora_2_0 , dynebolic_2_5_2 , dynebolic_3_0_X , gnewsense_2_3 , gnewsense_3_0 , musix_2_0 , parabola , trisquel_3_5 , trisquel_4_0 , trisquel_4_5 , trisquel_5_0 , trisquel_5_5 , ututo_xs_2009 , ututo_xs_2010 , venenux_0_8 , venenux_0_8_2
Dispositivos 3G | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 56 |
Placas de rede | 172 |
Leitores de impressão digital | 11 |
Controladores de host | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Notebook | 791 |
Printers | 125 |
Adaptadores RAID | 20 |
Scanners | 24 |
Leitores de cartão SD | 57 |
Placas de som | 142 |
Placas de vídeo | 342 |
Webcams | 132 |
Placas wifi | 234 |
TOTAL | 2362 |