This is's wiki.
You can help the h-node project in many ways, but please read our FAQ page first. It makes contributing much easier. After that you can help...
"Guidelines on how to compile a hardware device page" will help when inserting a new device to the database. It defines the format which you should follow when inserting information to the database.
You can read this wiki tutorial to learn about using tags. They similar to HTML tags and are used in our wiki as well as in the devices' description section to format the layout of text.Some devices can't be easily cataloged on h-node because it is not possible to retrieve some crucial information, for example the vendorid:productid code. For this reason those devices can be listed inside the "manually indexed devices" page.
Dispositivos 3G | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 57 |
Placas de rede | 172 |
Leitores de impressão digital | 11 |
Controladores de host | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Notebook | 793 |
Printers | 125 |
Adaptadores RAID | 20 |
Scanners | 24 |
Leitores de cartão SD | 57 |
Placas de som | 142 |
Placas de vídeo | 343 |
Webcams | 132 |
Placas wifi | 234 |
TOTAL | 2366 |