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Révision de la page wiki wiki tutorial
Ceci est une version antérieure de la page, telle qu'éditée par tonicucoz à 05:15, 20 Février 2011. Il peut y avoir une différence significative avec Révision actuelle.
wiki tutorial

In order to learn the wiki tags just edit this page and watch the code:

header 1

header 1 is similar to the HTML <h1>, just replace < with [

header 2

header 2 is similar to the HTML <h2>, just replace < with [

header 3

header 3 is similar to the HTML <h3>, just replace < with [

this is a paragraph. It is similar to the HTML <p>, just replace < with [

this text has been written in bold. It is similar to the HTML <b>, just replace < with [

this text has been written in italic. It is similar to the HTML <i>, just replace < with [

this text has been underlined. It is similar to the HTML <u>, just replace < with [

Example: a link to the Main Page (use the square brackets [[ and write inside them the title of the wiki page you want to link, just like you would do in a Wikipedia page).

NB: do not write the title that you see in the URL of the page, because that is the encoded version. Write the title as it is written inside the page. For example write Main Page and not Main-Page. Even if both will work, the first is better to see. For example, if you have to link this page write wiki tutorial (without -), and not wiki-tutorial.

The old links will be redirected to the new title, since all the old titles are saved in the old revisions of the page. Anyway it would be better (if possible) to update the links too.

Example: this is a link to this wiki page (wiki tutorial) with a different text of the link: some text.

Example: this is a link to an external resource http://www.fsf.org

Example: this is a link to an external resource with a different textfree software foundation website

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