Following are the GNU/Linux distributions we know of which have a firm policy commitment to only include and only propose free software. They reject non-free applications, non-free programming platforms, non-free drivers, or non-free firmware “blobs”. If by mistake they do include any, they remove it. To learn more about what makes for a free GNU/Linux distribution, see GNU Guidelines for Free System Distributions.
All of the distributions that follow are installable to a computer's hard drive and most can be run live.
(listed in alphabetical order)
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Cartes 3G | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 56 |
Cartes ethernet | 172 |
Lecteurs d'empreintes digitales | 11 |
Contrôleurs Hôte | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Notebooks | 793 |
Printers | 125 |
Adaptateurs RAID | 20 |
Scanneurs | 24 |
SD card readers | 57 |
Cartes son | 142 |
Cartes graphiques | 343 |
Webcams | 132 |
Cartes wifi | 234 |
TOTAL | 2365 |