Nota: il testo in rosso è stato cancellato dalla revisione precedente, il testo in verde è stato aggiunto in questa revisione e il testo in grigio non è stato cambiato
differenze nel campo: il titolo
client for
differenze nel campo: il testo della pagina
[p]h-client provides a desktop application for submitting device data for, automatically finding data known to the operating system and checking if the device is already known on h-node. Laptops are currently unsupported, most other devices can be reported more easily using the client than with the Web interface.[/p]
[h1]Distribution packages[/h1]
[*]Parabola package [a]|h-client[/a][/*]
[*]Trisquel package [a]|h-client[/a] in [a]|DNS's PPA[/a][/*]
[h1]Getting the h-client from source[/h1]
[p]You can download the client by typing the following command:[/p]
[code]svn co svn://[/code]
[*] Python 2.6 or 2.7[/*]
[*] Distribute[/*]
[*] pyGTK[/*]
[*] pycurl[/*]
[p](they would most likely be already installed). [/p]
[h2]Trisquel users[/h2]
[p]Make sure python-setuptools is installed in order to install the client:[/p]
[code]sudo aptitude install python-setuptools[/code]
[p]In order to install it type:[/p]
[code]python install --user[/code]
[p]and run it using:[/p]
[p](or just h-client if added ~/.local/bin to PATH).[/p]
[h2]Have a package built for you[/h2]
[p]Here's one liner I put together to build the binary package.[/p]
[code]cd ~/ && \
sudo apt-get install subversion checkinstall python-setuptools && \
svn co svn:// && \
cd h-client && \
version="0.$(svn log | grep r | cut -d ' ' -f1 | head -n1)" && \
sudo checkinstall --pakdir "$HOME/Desktop" --pkgname h-client \
--pkgversion "$version~svn" --backup=no --default python install && sudo ldconfig[/code]
[p]Send feedback to campaigns at[/p]
[p]In order to install it type:[/p]
[code]python install --user[/code]
[p]and run it using:[/p]
[p](or just h-client if added ~/.local/bin to PATH).[/p]
[p]The project page is at [a]|Savannah[/a]. Some tasks to be done are listed at our main [[ToDo#h-client|ToDo]] list.[/p]
[h2]How to build a different client[/h2]
[p]To learn how to write a client to connect to see the page [[how to send data to]][/p]
[lang][[cliente para|Español]][/lang]
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