Nota: il testo in rosso è stato cancellato dalla revisione precedente, il testo in verde è stato aggiunto in questa revisione e il testo in grigio non è stato cambiato
differenze nel campo: il titolo
how to send data to
differenze nel campo: il testo della pagina
[p]In order to send data to you need to carry out a simple HTTP request with the data transmitted by the POST method.[/p]
The server ( takes the value of the entries of the devices from the data sent by means of the POST method.[/p]
[p]The data sent by the POST method are formed by a long chain of POST variables, each one having his own value. In the following you will find the complete list of variables that the server expects for each hardware category.[/p]
[h1]Devices that are not notebooks[/h1]
[h2]Common variables[/h2]
This is the list of POST variables that are common to all the hardware categories (other than notebooks).[/p]
[*] model: the model name as taken from lspci or lsusb. It is the model name entry when you insert a device using the browser[/*]
[*] other_names: a text field containing the name of the device as taken from the device box or as printed on the device itself[/*]
[*] pci_id: the vendorid:productid of the device[/*]
[*] comm_year: year of commercialization[/*]
[*] distribution: the name of the GNU/Linux distribution used for the test[/*]
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