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Differenze tra la revisione del 19:24, 14 settembre 2014, creata da TryHardDieHard, e la revisione del 20:50, 11 settembre 2014
Nota: il testo in rosso è stato cancellato dalla revisione precedente, il testo in verde è stato aggiunto in questa revisione e il testo in grigio non è stato cambiato
differenze nel campo: il titolo
Compatibility classes
differenze nel campo: il testo della pagina


[h2]Class A (Platinum)[/h2]
[p] All the notebook devices work with a very good performance. [/p]
[p] [i][u]Example[/u]:[/i] all the devices work, the 3D acceleration is supported[/p]

[h2]Class B (Gold)[/h2]
[p] All the notebook devices work but not at full performance. [/p]
[p] [i][u]A typical example:[/u][/i] all the devices work, but the 3D acceleration is not supported[/p]

[h2]Class C (Silver)[/h2]
[p] One main device is not supported. [/p]
[p] [i][u]Example:[/u][/i] The internal wifi card does not work. You either need to modify the BIOS and install a free-software-compatible internal wifi card or use an external USB card[/p]

[h2]Class D (Bronze)[/h2]
[p] More than one device is not supported[/p]

[h2]Class E (Garbage)[/h2]
[p] The notebook does not work with free software[/p]


[h2]Class A (Full)[/h2]
[p] All device functions and features are supported[/p]

[h2]Class B (Partial)[/h2]
[p] Printing supported but possibly at limited speed or print quality; scanning and/or faxing on some multifunction devices may not be supported[/p]

[h2]Class C (None)[/h2]
[p] The printer does not work with free software[/p]


[h2]Class A (Full)[/h2]
[p] All device functions and features are supported[/p]

[h2]Class B (Partial)[/h2]
[p]Scanning supported but possibly at limited speed or quality; some other features may not be supported[/p]

[h2]Class C (None)[/h2]
[p] The scanner does not work with free software [/p]

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