differences dans l'entrée: le texte de la page du wiki
Here the Credits wiki page to work the i18n.
[p][b]Back to [[i18n process]] page[/b][/p]
[tab lang=en]
[p]Base text for i18n[/p]
The icons used inside h-node.com are taken from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/ACUN+Simgeleri?content=83018|ACUN Simgeleri 0.7[/a] icon theme and from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/H2O+Icon+Theme?content=127149|H2O Icon Theme 0.0.5[/a], both licensed under the GNU GPL license, from the [a]http://www.everaldo.com/crystal/?action=downloads|Crystal Projects[/a] icons, licensed under the LGPL, from the [a]http://www.notmart.org/index.php/Graphics|glaze icons set[/a] (LGPL) and from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Glass+reviewed?content=67902|DarkGlass_Reworked icons theme[/a] (GPL). The flag icons are taken from the [a]http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/|FAMFAMFAM flag icons set[/a] (Public Domain).
The [a]http://jquery.com/|jQuery[/a] and the [a]http://jqueryui.com/home|jQuery UI[/a] and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the website
The [a]http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/home/|markitup[/a] jQuery plugin (licensed under MIT/GPL) has been used in order to help the user to insert wiki tags
[h1]php diff algorithm:[/h1]
[a]http://compsci.ca/v3/viewtopic.php?p=142539|This[/a] algorithm (licensed under the zlib free license) has been used in order to highlight the differences between two different revisions of the same hardware model.
[h1]Date of revision:[/h1]
[i]Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:07:29 -0500[/i]
[tab lang=it]
[p]Up to date![/p]
[h1]i18n: 100%[/h1]
[tab lang=es]
[p]Up to date![/p]
[h1]i18n: 100%[/h1]
[tab lang=fr]
[p]Up to date![/p]
[h1]i18n: 100%[/h1]
[tab lang=de]
[p]Text to be translated[/p]
The icons used inside h-node.com are taken from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/ACUN+Simgeleri?content=83018|ACUN Simgeleri 0.7[/a] icon theme and from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/H2O+Icon+Theme?content=127149|H2O Icon Theme 0.0.5[/a], both licensed under the GNU GPL license, from the [a]http://www.everaldo.com/crystal/?action=downloads|Crystal Projects[/a] icons, licensed under the LGPL, from the [a]http://www.notmart.org/index.php/Graphics|glaze icons set[/a] (LGPL) and from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Glass+reviewed?content=67902|DarkGlass_Reworked icons theme[/a] (GPL). The flag icons are taken from the [a]http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/|FAMFAMFAM flag icons set[/a] (Public Domain).
The [a]http://jquery.com/|jQuery[/a] and the [a]http://jqueryui.com/home|jQuery UI[/a] and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the website
The [a]http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/home/|markitup[/a] jQuery plugin (licensed under MIT/GPL) has been used in order to help the user to insert wiki tags
[h1]php diff algorithm:[/h1]
[a]http://compsci.ca/v3/viewtopic.php?p=142539|This[/a] algorithm (licensed under the zlib free license) has been used in order to highlight the differences between two different revisions of the same hardware model.
[h1]i18n: 0%[/h1]
[tab lang=gr]
[p]Text to be updated[/p]
The [a]http://jquery.com/|jQuery[/a] and the [a]http://jqueryui.com/home|jQuery UI[/a] and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the website
[h1]i18n: 90%[/h1]
[tab lang=pt-br]
[p][a]http://www.h-node.com/credits/index/pt-br[/a] - [i]Not available yet[/i][/p]
[p]Text to be translated[/p]
The icons used inside h-node.com are taken from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/ACUN+Simgeleri?content=83018|ACUN Simgeleri 0.7[/a] icon theme and from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/H2O+Icon+Theme?content=127149|H2O Icon Theme 0.0.5[/a], both licensed under the GNU GPL license, from the [a]http://www.everaldo.com/crystal/?action=downloads|Crystal Projects[/a] icons, licensed under the LGPL, from the [a]http://www.notmart.org/index.php/Graphics|glaze icons set[/a] (LGPL) and from the [a]http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Glass+reviewed?content=67902|DarkGlass_Reworked icons theme[/a] (GPL). The flag icons are taken from the [a]http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/|FAMFAMFAM flag icons set[/a] (Public Domain).
The [a]http://jquery.com/|jQuery[/a] and the [a]http://jqueryui.com/home|jQuery UI[/a] and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the website
The [a]http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/home/|markitup[/a] jQuery plugin (licensed under MIT/GPL) has been used in order to help the user to insert wiki tags
[h1]php diff algorithm:[/h1]
[a]http://compsci.ca/v3/viewtopic.php?p=142539|This[/a] algorithm (licensed under the zlib free license) has been used in order to highlight the differences between two different revisions of the same hardware model.
[h1]i18n: 0%[/h1]