The working device reads on the label:
TRENDNet TEW-424UB H/W:3.1RIt comes with a Realtek chipset, driver rtl8187.
The correct device should be blue.
Beware this device has another version:
This incorrect version of the device is white, not blue.
El dispositivo muestra en la etiqueta:
TRENDNet TEW-424UB H/W:3.1RUsa un chipset Realtek, controlador rtl8187.
Tenga cuidado, este dispositivo tiene otra versión:
Cartes 3G | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 56 |
Cartes ethernet | 172 |
Lecteurs d'empreintes digitales | 11 |
Contrôleurs Hôte | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Notebooks | 793 |
Printers | 125 |
Adaptateurs RAID | 20 |
Scanneurs | 24 |
SD card readers | 57 |
Cartes son | 142 |
Cartes graphiques | 343 |
Webcams | 132 |
Cartes wifi | 234 |
TOTAL | 2365 |