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Page crash on view the other specifications
submitted by arder, 13:22, 27 Décembre 2023
SUJET: add a vendor name
STATUS: opened
PRIORITE: medium

Page crash after click on view the other specifications

    Steps to reproduce it:
  1. Click on https://h-node.org/videocards/catalogue/en
  2. Into "model name" input add "GT 710" and click search
  3. Click on "view the other specifications" in the first item (the unique one)
  4. The page will crash with "Forbidden" page
I experience a similar issue. Way to reproduce: 1. Go to "Hardware" -> "Video Cards" 2. Input "R5 230" into the "mode name" field and click "Search" or press "Enter". It returns a page with one search result. 3. Click the "view the other specifications" link. It returns a page saying: "Forbidden" and "You don't have permission to access this resource" and the software version.
submitted by Roman, 15:28, 22 Août 2024

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