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Increase the span for the search engine
submitted by Ark74, 00:11, 23 Octobre 2010
SUJET: other
STATUS: opened

I would like to suggest the increase of the span for the search engine. Let's say if somebody make a simple search like "asus" on the search engine, since we already have 2 or 3 Asus models, it would be great that the result shows them.

I'm not sure but maybe an increasing the search strings would help, just suggesting.

Search engines usually search for some strings in the HTMl source such as the <title> tag (visible in the tab of the page) and the URL itself (for example it is important to write the model name in the URL). Other important strings are the <meta> tag where one can write a brief description of the page (or website) and some keywords.

Each device page at h-node.com contains the model mane inside the <title> tag (you can see it in the tab) and inside the URL. The meta tag is not changed for each page of h-node.com, it is set for the whole website. Anyway, AFAIK, search engines also watch the HTML source, not only inside the meta tag.

In my experience the most important tags are the <title> and the URL itsel. We could ask the user to insert a meta description for each inserted device. This could help the search engine optimization of the website. The new entry could be simply named "description" or "meta description".

submitted by tonicucoz, 08:39, 23 Octobre 2010
Hmm, I see, "Asus" returns only one result on the search, when there are multiple Asus entries in the database. This should be reasonably high priority, will take a look.
submitted by greenman, 05:16, 15 Juillet 2016
The search also does not return results for multiple partial matches. For example: searching ethernetcards for "intel i350" returns zero results, but searching either "intel" or "i350" returns the intended result. This is because the words are not consecutive in the model name "Intel Corporation I350". Another example: searching webcams for "Logitech C525" returns zero results. Searching "Logitech" or "C525" returns the intended result.
submitted by MuhFreedums, 13:18, 10 Août 2019

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