The vendor id list has been created thanks to the PCI ID repository and to the USB ID repository. You can find here the list of inserted vendors:
Tarjetas 3G | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 56 |
Tarjetas de ethernet | 172 |
Lectores de huellas digitales | 11 |
Controlador de Host | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Computador portátil | 793 |
Printers | 125 |
Adaptador RAID | 20 |
Escáners | 24 |
Lectores de tarjetas SD | 57 |
Tarjetas de audio | 142 |
Tarjetas de video | 343 |
Cámaras web | 132 |
Tarjetas de red inalámbrica | 234 |
TOTAL | 2365 |