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Revisión de la página del wiki client for h-node.org
Esta es una revisión anterior de esta página, editada por greenman en 17:19, 22 Julio 2016. Puede diferir significantemente de la Revisión actual.
client for h-node.org

h-client provides a desktop application for submitting device data for h-node.org, automatically finding data known to the operating system and checking if the device is already known on h-node. Laptops are currently unsupported, most other devices can be reported more easily using the client than with the Web interface.

Distribution packages
Getting the h-client from source

You can download the client by typing the following command:

svn co svn://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/h-client/trunk/h-client
  • Python 2.6 or 2.7
  • Distribute
  • pyGTK
  • pycurl

(they would most likely be already installed).

Trisquel users

Make sure python-setuptools is installed in order to install the client:

sudo aptitude install python-setuptools

In order to install it type:

python setup.py install --user

and run it using:


(or just h-client if added ~/.local/bin to PATH).

You may need to do the following if you receive a "KeyError: 'hclient/mo/.'" error

    cd ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    then unpack content of file hclient-....egg into directory with the same name as file.
Have a package built for you
[p]Here's one liner I put together to build the binary package.

cd ~/ && \
sudo apt-get install subversion checkinstall  python-setuptools && \
svn co svn://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/h-client/trunk/h-client && \
cd h-client && \
version="0.$(svn log | grep r | cut -d ' ' -f1 | head -n1)" && \
sudo checkinstall --pakdir "$HOME/Desktop" --pkgname h-client \
--pkgversion "$version~svn" --backup=no --default python setup.py install && sudo ldconfig

Send feedback to campaigns at fsf.org


The project page is at Savannah. Some tasks to be done are listed at our main ToDo list.

How to build a different client

To learn how to write a client to connect to h-node.org see the page how to send data to h-node.org

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h-node.org is a hardware database project. It runs the h-source PHP software, commit cdeda15, available under the GNU General Public (GPLv3) License.
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