Following are the GNU/Linux distributions we know of which have a firm policy commitment to only include and only propose free software. They reject non-free applications, non-free programming platforms, non-free drivers and non-free firmware “blobs”. If by mistake they do include any, they remove them. To learn more about what makes for a free GNU/Linux distribution, see GNU Guidelines for Free System Distributions.
Our list includes Debian GNU/Linux distribution even though it is not endorsed by the FSF. Debian includes only free software by default when it is installed if only the "main" archive source is enabled and the "contrib" and "non-free" sources are not. Thus, it can be used for testing hardware if the user makes sure that only free software is used.
All of the distributions that follow are installable to a computer's hard drive and most can be run live.
(listed in alphabetical order)
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3G cards | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 56 |
Ethernet cards | 172 |
Fingerprint readers | 11 |
Host Controllers | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Notebooks | 793 |
Printers | 125 |
RAID adapters | 20 |
Scanners | 24 |
SD card readers | 57 |
Sound cards | 142 |
Video cards | 343 |
Webcams | 132 |
Wifi cards | 234 |
TOTAL | 2365 |