Base text for i18n
Icons:The icons used inside are taken from the ACUN Simgeleri 0.7 icon theme and from the H2O Icon Theme 0.0.5, both licensed under the GNU GPL license, from the Crystal Projects icons, licensed under the LGPL, from the glaze icons set (LGPL) and from the DarkGlass_Reworked icons theme (GPL). The flag icons are taken from the FAMFAMFAM flag icons set (Public Domain).jQuery:The jQuery and the jQuery UI and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the websitemarkitup:The markitup jQuery plugin (licensed under MIT/GPL) has been used in order to help the user to insert wiki tagsphp diff algorithm:This algorithm (licensed under the zlib free license) has been used in order to highlight the differences between two different revisions of the same hardware model.
Text to be translated
Icons:The icons used inside are taken from the ACUN Simgeleri 0.7 icon theme and from the H2O Icon Theme 0.0.5, both licensed under the GNU GPL license, from the Crystal Projects icons, licensed under the LGPL, from the glaze icons set (LGPL) and from the DarkGlass_Reworked icons theme (GPL). The flag icons are taken from the FAMFAMFAM flag icons set (Public Domain).jQuery:The jQuery and the jQuery UI and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the websitemarkitup:The markitup jQuery plugin (licensed under MIT/GPL) has been used in order to help the user to insert wiki tagsphp diff algorithm:This algorithm (licensed under the zlib free license) has been used in order to highlight the differences between two different revisions of the same hardware model.
Text to be updated
jQuery:The jQuery and the jQuery UI and the jQuery Mobile javascript libraries (licensed under MIT/GPL) have been used through the website
Créditos - Not available yet
Text to be translated
Ícones:Os ícones usados no foram obtidos do tema ACUN Simgeleri 0.7 e também do H2O Icon Theme 0.0.5, ambos licenciados sob os termos da licença GNU GPL, dos ícones do Crystal Projects, licenciados sob a LGPL, do conjunto de ícones glaze (LGPL) e do tema DarkGlass_Reworked (GPL). Os ícones de bandeiras foram obtidos do conjunto de ícones de bandeiras FAMFAMFAM (Domínio Público).jQuery:O jQuery, a interface jQuery e as bibliotecas de javascript jQuery Mobile (licenciadas sob a MIT/GPL) foram usados no site.markitup:O plugin jQuery markitup (licenciado sob a MIT/GPL) foi usado para ajudar o usuário a inserir marcas na wiki.Algoritmo php diff:Este algoritmo (licenciado sob a licença livre zlib) foi usado para realçar as diferenças entre duas revisões do mesmo modelo de hardware.
Pictogramele:Pictogramele folosite în cadrul sunt preluate din tema pentru pictorame ACUN Simgeleri 0.7 și din tema pentru pictograme H2O 0.0.5, ambele licențiate sub licența GNU GPL, din pictogramele Crystal Projects, licențiate sub LGPL, din setul de pictograme glaze (LGPL) și din tema pentru pictograme DarkGlass_Reworked (GPL). Pictogramele cu drapele sunt preluate din setul de pictograme cu drapele FAMFAMFAM (Domeniul Public).jQuery:Librăriile javascript jQuery, jQuery UI și jQuery Mobile (licențiate sub MIT/GPL) au fost folosite în cadrul sitului.markitup:Suplimentul jQuery markitup (licențiat sub MIT/GPL) a fost folosit pentru a ajuta utilizatorul să adauge etichete wiki.algoritmul php diff:Acest algoritm (licențiat sub licența liberă zlib) a fost folosit pentru a evidenția diferențele dintre două revizii diferite ale aceluiași model de aparat.
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Κάρτες 3G | 34 |
Acquisition cards | 34 |
Bluetooth | 56 |
Κάρτες ethernet | 172 |
Συσκευές ανγνώρισης δακτυλικών αποτυπωμάτων | 11 |
Host Controllers | 170 |
Modems | 18 |
Notebooks | 793 |
Printers | 125 |
RAID adapters | 20 |
Σαρωτές | 24 |
Συσκευές ανάγνωσης καρτών SD | 57 |
Κάρτες ήχου | 142 |
Κάρτες γραφικών | 343 |
Διαδικτυακές κάμερες Webcam | 132 |
Κάρτες wifi | 234 |
TOTAL | 2365 |