Diferencias entre las revisiones de 18:15, 19 Septiembre 2014, creado por lammi87, y la revisión de 01:54, 19 Diciembre 2013
Nota: el texto en rojo ha sido borrado de la revisión anterior, el texto en verde ha sido agregado en esta revisión y el texto en gris no ha sido cambiado
diferencias en el campo: el titulo
Fully free GNU/Linux Distributions
diferencias en el campo: el texto de la página
[p]Following are the [a]http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html|GNU/Linux[/a] distributions we know of which have a firm policy commitment to only include and only propose [a]http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html | free software[/a]. They reject non-free applications, non-free programming platforms, non-free drivers and non-free firmware “blobs”. If by mistake they do include any, they remove them. To learn more about what makes for a [a]http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html|free GNU/Linux distribution[/a], see GNU [a]http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html|Guidelines for Free System Distributions[/a].[/p]

[p]All of the distributions that follow are installable to a computer's hard drive and most can be run live.[/p]

[p](listed in alphabetical order)[/p]

[*] [a]http://www.blagblagblag.org/|BLAG GNU/Linux[/a][/*]
[*] [a]http://www.debian.org | Debian GNU/Linux[/a] (if only the "[b]main[/b]" archive source is enabled AND the "[b]contrib[/b]" and "[b]non-free[/b]" sources are not enabled AND nothing has been installed from "contrib" and "non-free".)[/*]
[a]http://www.dragora.org/en/index.html|Dragora GNU/Linux[/a][/*]
[*] [a]http://dynebolic.org/|Dynebolic GNU/Linux[/a][/*]
[*] [a]http://www.gnewsense.org/|gNewSense GNU/Linux[/a][/*]
[*] [a]http://www.musix.org.ar/|Musix GNU+Linux[/a][/*]
[*] [a]https://parabolagnulinux.org/|Parabola GNU/Linux[/a][/*]
[*] [a]http://trisquel.info/|Trisquel GNU/Linux[/a][/*]

[b][p]Return to [[Help]] Page[/p][/b]

[[Distribuciones GNU/Linux completamente libres|Español]]
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