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Diferencias entre las revisiones de 17:42, 25 Noviembre 2017, creado por dadu33, y la revisión de 20:48, 14 Julio 2012
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diferencias en el campo: el titulo
diferencias en el campo: el texto de la página
[p]Here a To-Do list & suggestions for the h-node project development and alike:[/p]



[*] [del]RSS feeds of the modifications[/del] (done!)[/*]
[p]Almost finished[/p]

[*] [del]mobile [del]Mobile version of the website[/del] (partially done)[/*]
[p]Only for some pages, for example the home page, the hardware pages, the search page. This should be done by adding a parameter in the URL (perhaps at the end) and decide the CSS file that should be loaded (if no parameter is present than the website will be optimized for monitors)[/p]

[*] [b]continue [b]Continue internationalization[/b][/*]
[p]There [p](There are a lot of areas still in English[/p] English)[/p]

[*] [b]build [b]Build a form to help the user to choose a device[/b][/*]
[p]Something better than the current cataloging, perhaps inside the home page. The form should also consider those devices that can be easily mixed up, for example the ones ith the same model name but different chipset, and alerting the user or not suggesting that hardware at all (for each device it should be possible to add such an alert by the users or by the administrators)[/p]

[*] [b]add [b]Add the possibility to download a pdf file[/b][/*]
[p]Built on the fly for example with fpdf) of each device page and in case of the whole database (Luis Alberto is working on this :)[/p]

[*] [b]add [b]Add new categories of hardware[/b][/*]
[p]What should be the next category?[/p]


[*][b]Repair the translation management[/b] : currently (2017-11) translating https://h-node.org/wiki/page/fr/Main-Page does also replace the english page https://h-node.org/wiki/page/Main-Page)[/*]

[*] [del][b]Add the toc option to the wiki[/b][/del] (done: see the source of this page)[/*]
The table of contents ([a]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_contents | TOC[/a]) is a great option to preview the documentation structure and keep organized the documentation structure. Like the one on mediawiki :)
[*] [b]Improve wiki formatting[/b][/*]
[*] [del][i]Nested listing[/i][/del] (done!)[/*]
On some cases we need to list inside a list, currently this is not possible.
[*] [del][i]No formating text[/i][/del] [i](partially done: use double { in place of [ and double } in place of ]. Example: {{b}}hello{{/b}})[/i][/*]
Currently the code tag can't disable some functions as URL Links, headers, listing, and other tags. So while trying to explain the usage of the tags it is not possible to show the "How should it writes" and "How will it look".
[*] [i]Tables[/i][/*]
Adding tables to the wiki would be great to organize information.
[*] [i]Quoting[/i][/*]
Good option for the Issues page than the wiki.
[*] [i]Comments[/i]?[/*]
Comments inside the wiki plain text for editors that are not displayed.
[*] [i]Basic Font Color[/i][/*]
Implementing some basic font colors would be a good idea, like blue, green, yellow, red on some topics.


[*] [b]add [b]Add the possibility to export the hardware configuration[/b][/*]
[p]Hardware working or not working to an xml file[/p]

[*] [b]add [b]Add the possibility to load the hardware configuration from an xml
[*] [b]add [b]Add the possibility to submit a whole xml file created by the client[/b][/*]

[*] [b]add [b]Add a [i]preview[/i] hardware tab/window on the client[/b][/*]
[p]Right now when the client is launched it gets you to the main page where it modifies the devices by just typing on the fields. Not pretty sure it's the best way of opening the client, since a bad move on the keyboard could imply unwanted changes to the database.[/p]
[p]The lspci -vmmnn search first sends a page where you can see if the hardware is already on the database and also tells you if it works or doesn't. If not present it will show an invitation to insert it.[/p]
[p]So maybe the first tab?/window? at the client should show a "[i]preview[/i]" of the hardware status, then invite to add/update the hardware found.[/p]

[*] [b]client [b]Client l10n [/b][/*]
[p]Starting the localization of the client to the current supported by the project.
[*] English (complete text, needs proofreading and editing)[/*]
[*] Español[/*]
[*] Italiano[/*]
[*] Français[/*]
[*] Deutsch (mostly complete)[/*]


[p]mtjm's [p]Mtjm's list:[/p]
[*]make communication with the server asynchronous (would solve the performance problem)[/*]
[*]laptop support (needs big design changes on both sides)[/*]
[*]redesign the database format to be more useful for the client[/*]
[*]improve test coverage (needs API changes)[/*]
[*]find which distros are supported[/*]
[*]write documentation for users, packagers and developers[/*]
[*]fix crashes caused by incorrect data sent by the server[/*]
[*]improve error reporting (so the user gets all data that is needed to test the issue elsewhere)[/*]
[*]check if dmidecode or another tool will get other useful data[/*]
[*]test some devices if they are supported[/*]
[p]Please write on the [a]https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/h-client-devel|list[/a] if you want to solve one of these issues.[/p]

[h1]Mobile side[/h1]
[*] [b]write an application for the Replicant operating system[/b][/*]
[p]It would be nice to have the h-node application or something similar[/p]

[*] ?[/*]

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h-node.org is a hardware database project. It runs the h-source PHP software, commit cdeda15, available under the GNU General Public (GPLv3) License.
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