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Differences between the revision of 10:19, 20 February 2011, created by tonicucoz, and the revision of 07:42, 18 February 2011
Notice: the text in red has been deleted from the previous revision, the text in green has been added in this revision and the text in gray has not been changed.
differences in the entry: the title
Pagina Principale
differences in the entry: the text of the wiki page
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[h1]Come contribuire[/h1]

[p]Puoi aiutare il progetto h-node in molti modi[/p]

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[h1]Come scoprire il tuo hardware[/h1]

[h1]linee guida su come compilare una pagina hardware[/h1]

[p]per favore leggi questo documento: : [[guidelines on how to compile a hardware device page]][/p]

[h1]Guida della wiki: i tag[/h1]

[p]Puoi leggere il [[tutorial della wiki]] per imparare i tag della wiki. Guarda anche [a]http://www.h-node.com/help/index/it|qui[/a]

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h-node.org is a hardware database project. It runs the h-source PHP software, commit cdeda15, available under the GNU General Public (GPLv3) License.
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