Version - soundcard Aztech AZT2320
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Modell: Aztech AZT2320(Modell-ID: 2125)
Andere mögliche Gerätenamen:
Aztech AZT1008
Aztech System Ltd
Hersteller-ID:Produkt-ID des Gerätes:
Jahr der Markteinführung:
überprüft mit Distribution:
Parabola GNU/Linux
Überbrüft mit folgendem freien Betriebssystemkern (Libre Kernel):
Funktioniert mit Freie Software?
Verwendete Freie Firmware/Treiber:

It doesn't work and doesn't appear on dmesg until the module is manually inserted with

modprobe snd-azt2320

ISA cards are apparently not modprobed automatically at bootup so you'll have to use hwinfo or a similar tool to find it out (Driver Activation Cmd). They also lack a vendor ID so add the PCI Vendor from the PCI ID Database and pass it into the Product ID field to be able to insert, in this case Aztech is 11ae.

hwinfo --verbose --sound

23: ISA(PnP) 01.0: 0401 Multimedia audio controller             
  [Created at isapnp.142]
  Unique ID: R_Yp.JCbCnR0V0XF
  SysFS ID: /devices/pnp1/01:01/01:01.00
  SysFS BusID: 01:01.00
  Hardware Class: sound
  Model: "Aztech AZT1008 PnP SOUND DEVICE"
  Vendor: AZT "Aztech Systems"
  Device: eisa 0x1008 "AZT1008 PnP SOUND DEVICE"
  SubVendor: AZT "Aztech Systems"
  SubDevice: eisa 0x0500 
  Driver Info #0:
    Driver Status: snd-azt2320 is active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe snd-azt2320"
  Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown


23: ISA(PnP) 01.0: 0401 Multimedia audio controller             
  [Created at isapnp.142]
  Unique ID: R_Yp.JCbCnR0V0XF
  SysFS ID: /devices/pnp1/01:01/01:01.00
  SysFS BusID: 01:01.00
  Hardware Class: sound
  Model: "Aztech AZT1008 PnP SOUND DEVICE"
  Vendor: AZT "Aztech Systems"
  Device: eisa 0x1008 "AZT1008 PnP SOUND DEVICE"
  SubVendor: AZT "Aztech Systems"
  SubDevice: eisa 0x0500 
  Driver Info #0:
    Driver Status: snd-azt2320 is active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe snd-azt2320"
  Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
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