Σελίδα συζήτησης - Υπο-φορητοί υπολογιστές Inspiron 15R-5537
precision about wifi
Δημιουργήθηκε από τον/την silemmo, 17:35, 13 Μάιος 2014
Hi, I found a 15R-5537 on ebay and I wanted to ask you if that's similar to yours ? Here is the link : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-Inspiron-15R-5537-Core-i5-4th-Gen-8GB-1TB-Win-8-/271459206617?pt=Laptops_Nov05&hash=item3f343ac5d9 In network they say : Network Dell 1705 802.11n + Bluetooth, is that the same as yours ? If it is the case does it mean that all Dell 1705 wifi are trisquel/parbola compatible ? Thanks in advance.

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