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Revisión - portátil Aspire V5-471
Esta es una revisión anterior de esta página, editada por TralfamadorianOrator en 19:38, 30 Abril 2013. Puede diferir significantemente de la Revisión actual.
modelo: Aspire V5-471(id del modelo: 1136)
subtipo (computadores portátiles, netbook, tarjeta madre, tablet):
computadores portátiles
¿tiene un firmware boot (BIOS, UEFI,..) libre?
no especificado
¿puede ser instalado un sistema libre?
¿el dispositivo evita la instalación de tarjetas inalámbricas no aprobadas por el distribuidor?
no especificado
año de comercialización:
compatibilidad con software libre:
probado con:
Trisquel 6.0 Toutatis
probado con el siguiente kernel libre:
modelo de tarjeta de video:
Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (funciona con aceleración 3D)
modelo de tarjeta de red inalámbrica:
Atheros Communications Inc. AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter (funciona)
modelo de cámara web:
ID 04f2:b335 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd (funciona)
The wifi device had issues with kernel versions 3.2 and 3.4, which are the only two other versions tested. It could connect, but the connection was lost frequently. This issue is fixed in version 3.9 (it may have been fixed in another version between 3.4 and 3.9, but I did not test those, so I don't know for sure).

For kernel versions from 3.7 to at least 3.9, make sure to build the modules for the webcam and wifi devices. When running make menuconfig, check the following:

Device Drivers --> Multimedia Support --> Media USB Adapters --> USB Video Class (UVC) -->

  • UVC input events device support

Device Drivers --> Network device support --> Wireless LAN --> Atheros Wireless Cards --> Atheros 802.11n wireless cards support -->

  • Atheros ath9k PCI/PCIe bus support
  • Atheros ath9k AHB bus support
  • Atheros ath9k rate control

There was an issue of not being able to shut down. When shutting down, the system would restart itself. Here's a fix I found on a blog (http://www.pbehnke.com/main/node/11):

  1. Create an init script in /etc/init.d (Example: create a file named /etc/init.d/haltusbpower)
  2. Put the following in the script:
    #! /bin/bash
    # haltusbpower init script
    # chkconfig: 345 99 20
    # description: A script to act as a workaround for the bug in the runtime power management module, which causes my acer aspire v5-571 laptop to restart after shutting down.
    # Provides: haltusbpower
    # Default-Stop: 0 1 3 5
    # Short-Description: Halt USB Powersave mode
    # Description: A script to halt usb power control.
    # Source function library.
    . /etc/init.d/functions
    # Bus list for the runtime power management module.
    # See how we were called.
    case "$1" in
        echo "USB bug fix active"
        #no-op on startup
        echo "Turning off USB Power Control"
        for bus in $buslist; do
            for i in /sys/bus/$bus/devices/*/power/control; do
                echo on > $i
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/haltusbpower {start|stop}"
        exit 1
    exit 0
  3. Create a symbolic link in /etc/rc0.d to the script you created in the previous step.


    ln -s /etc/init.d/haltusbpower /etc/rc0.d/haltusbpower
One issue remains: I cannot change the backlight brightness.
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