Home » Hardware » notebooks » A200-1KB » History » Differences
Differences between the revision of 00:00, 29 July 2011, created by tonicucoz, and the revision of 14:03, 28 July 2011
Notice: the text in red has been deleted from the previous revision, the text in green has been added in this revision and the text in gray has not been changed.
differences in the entry: vendor
differences in the entry: model name
differences in the entry: subtype (notebook or netbook)
differences in the entry: architecture
differences in the entry: does it have a free bios?
differences in the entry: can free operating systems be installed?
differences in the entry: does the device prevent the installation of wifi cards not-approved by the vendor?
differences in the entry: year of commercialization
differences in the entry: GNU/Linux distribution used for the test
dragora_2_0 , gnewsense_2_3
differences in the entry: compatibility with free software
differences in the entry: tested with the following kernel libre
differences in the entry: video card model
differences in the entry: does the video card work?
yes_without_3D no
differences in the entry: wifi model
differences in the entry: does the wifi card work?
differences in the entry: webcam model
differences in the entry: does the webcam work?
differences in the entry: Description
[p]Aunque todos los componentes de hardware funcionén la tarjeta de wireless necessita el blob de driver privativo, todo el resto funcino con Gnewsense, el mismo gnewsense esta limpio de blobs pero se puede si el ussuario necessita instalar drivers privativos en el sistema, en caso de necessidad.[/p]

[p]Espero contribuir para aquellos que estean buscando info de si Linux y Sl va a funcionar en su pc o no.[/p]

[p]Gracias un saludo a todos.[/p]
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